Wooden heritage of Świętego Piątka St. in Zamość. Problems and ideas for the preservation of a vanishing landscape

Katarzyna Kielin

Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


Wooden heritage of Polish towns has become a widely discussed architectural topic. Until the 2nd world war, the majority of little towns and villages development was constructed from wood. Zamość, well-known for its inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List, may be pleased for having many examples of wooden residential architecture dating back to the beginnings of the 20th century. Stylistic traits, composition of forms, modest but classy ornamentation and the atmosphere of the street calls for adequate commemoration. Private ownership entailing infrequent poor maintenance, devastating weather conditions, lack of concrete, local government actions result in gradual deterioration of wooden building substance and its aesthetic, original qualities. Too little attention and effort is devoted by the local government to preserve that unique part of Zamość – the Zamość outside the fortification walls.

The author of the article provides historical background of that particular pieces of wooden architecture, lists their main characteristics distinguishing and common to the Zamość region, discusses their role in the street’s landscape and presents several solutions to revive the original beauty of the place and engage attention to the matter.  


wooden architecture, Zamość, Świętego Piątka Street, preservation, public space

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Cited by

Kielin, K. (2021). Wooden heritage of Świętego Piątka St. in Zamość. Problems and ideas for the preservation of a vanishing landscape. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 17(1), 7–13. https://doi.org/10.35784/teka.2616


Katarzyna Kielin 
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin University of Technology Poland


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