Lei Liu

College of Computing and Information Technologies, National University Manila (Philippines)

Eric B. Blancaflor

Mapua University, School of Information Technology, Philippines (Philippines)

Mideth Abisado

National University, College of Computing and Information Technologies, Philippines (Philippines)


As the basic technology of human action recognition, pose estimation is attracting more and more researchers' attention, while edge application scenarios pose a higher challenge. This paper proposes a lightweight multi-person pose estimation scheme to meet the needs of real-time human action recognition on the edge end. This scheme uses AlphaPose to extract human skeleton nodes, and adds ResNet and Dense Upsampling Revolution to improve its accuracy. Meanwhile, we use YOLO to enhance AlphaPose’s support for multi-person pose estimation, and optimize the proposed model with TensorRT. In addition, this paper sets Jetson Nano as the Edge AI deployment device of the proposed model and successfully realizes the model migration to the edge end. The experimental results show that the speed of the optimized object detection model can reach 20 FPS, and the optimized multi-person pose estimation model can reach 10 FPS. With the image resolution of 320×240, the model’s accuracy is 73.2%, which can meet the real-time requirements. In short, our scheme can provide a basis for lightweight multi-person action recognition scheme on the edge end.

Supporting Agencies

This study received support from the following sources: the University Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (Grant no. 2022AH010085), the University Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (Grant no. KJ2021A0970), the Huainan Normal University Scientific Research Project (Grant no. 2022XJZD030), and the Key Research and Development Plan Project Foundation of Huainan (Grant no. 2021A248).


human pose estimation, lightweight model, Edge AI, deep learning, computer vision

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Cited by

Liu, L., Blancaflor, E. B., & Abisado, M. (2023). A LIGHTWEIGHT MULTI-PERSON POSE ESTIMATION SCHEME BASED ON JETSON NANO. Applied Computer Science, 19(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.35784/acs-2023-01


Lei Liu 
College of Computing and Information Technologies, National University Manila Philippines


Eric B. Blancaflor 

Mapua University, School of Information Technology, Philippines Philippines


Mideth Abisado 

National University, College of Computing and Information Technologies, Philippines Philippines


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