Hybrid methodology of multi-sensory research of public space in urban planning

Ewa Jarecka - Bidzińska

Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography; Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)


The concept of multi-sensory perception of cities is one of the elements shaping the complete image of the city. It is an aspect as important to the recipient as the urban structure. The study of the multisensory record of public spaces gives a better chance to understand: the identity of the place, the changing dimensions of cultural heritage, local social problems, and even conditions influencing spatial decisions. Multisensory research has an implementation value and can be an important, previously unaccounted for factor, influencing the revitalization program and planning decisions. Therefore, it is so important to analyze the available literature on the subject, conduct scientific observation of the research area, create a proposal for a hybrid research methodology on multi-sensory recording of space and determine their relationship with activities in the field of urban planning. The trial area – selected public spaces of the Praga – Północ district in Warsaw was adopted according to predetermined criteria, the most important of which were: authentic urban tissue, downtown area, architectural and functional diversity of buildings.

Supporting Agencies

The research was co-financed by the Dean’s Grant at the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography of the Warsaw University of Technology obtained in 2018, No. 504/04093/1060 / 42.000100, entitled “The importance of identity in shaping selected new urban spaces in Warsaw’s Praga – Północ district”.


multisensory research, multisensory space, public space, Praga – Północ

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Cited by

Jarecka - Bidzińska, E. (2021) “Hybrid methodology of multi-sensory research of public space in urban planning”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 20(2), pp. 095–116. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2198.


Ewa Jarecka - Bidzińska 
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography; Warsaw University of Technology Poland


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