„Seal in the building” – the integration element

Piotr Gleń

Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)

Bartosz Szostak

Department of Conservation of Built Heritage; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)


Following article relates to issue of ‘synergy in architecture’ and it brings up problematic aspect of urban area, namely the urban infill. Urban infill is no doubt bonding element in narrow downtown’s development. Architects while projecting buildings in such localizations they have to face characteristic issues that is space limitations. Another problem is referring new designed building to existing spatial context in historical. At the end construction solution applied during connecting new building to existing ones is a problem that needs to be tackled on. Text talks about urban infill as a positive part of a building completing frontage in a city. It introduces urban infill as a synergistic element which means added, increasing value of a place where it is built. Through the positive aspects of urban infill’s examples there are effects shown which can be elected by this architectural form. In downtowns development necessity of filling ‘gaps’ in frontage is something effortless and common. It is important to mold this type of building in the correct way. Both choosing correct form and function might be crucial. Article in its predominant part is based on examples of this type of objects in limits of Lublin city. In a past few years there have been lots of new buildings arisen to infill downtowns development. Comparing this objects and analysis of its form and function is a base to worded conclusions.


filling, downtown buildings, further buildings

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Cited by

Gleń, P. and Szostak, B. . (2017) “„Seal in the building” – the integration element”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 16(1), pp. 081–088. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_17-161_07.


Piotr Gleń 

Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland


Bartosz Szostak 
Department of Conservation of Built Heritage; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland


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