Neovernacular architecture – genesis. From Erdmannsdorf to Pension „Maryja”

Jacek Knothe
Department of Conservation of Built Heritage; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)


Being on the edge of architecture created by architects, vernacular architecture always remained the margin. While it was never in collision with the main stream, it was rather an independent movement, occurring and proceeding with the rhythm and pace of its own.

It is called vernacular, deriving from „vernaculus” in latin, and meaning „native”. The term does not exhaust the complexity of the issue; there is though a substantial difference between vernacular architecture, the vernacular phenomenon as such, and above all, the neovernacularism.

It is assumed, that vernacular architecture means „the architecture without the architect, anonymous, arising beyond the design process, constituting part of tradition of society and being the sum of building, functional and esthetic experience that is being passed from generation upon generation”. Question is remaining, whether „arising beyond the design process” means, that vernacular architecture has aroused in the past beyond the design process. If so, it would make it vernacular.

If it meant though, that architecture was being currently created without the design process, it would make it neovernacular.

Polish theorists and historians recognize the problem of vernacular architecture based on different approach; Miłobędzki, A., emphasises local building tradition and the use of local building materials, as being crucial, while Fiett, J., places vernacular architecture between primitive and authorial architecture, emphasizing the aspect of copying and replicating of a specific archetype that is considered an object of art.

None of the above authors regards, and even less evaluates, the absolute virtues of vernacular architecture, surprisingly at the same time considering its repetitiveness and regarding it as being equally authentic as the vernaculate original.

While copying the historical origin, seen as a piece of art, vernacular architecture itself deserves no such name. With due respect for its artistic and historical values and undoubtful charm, neovernacular architecture deserves such merit even less.

Simplifying matters, vernacular architecture is, by some, viewed simply equal to regional building. Based on the fact, that it constitutes a work of the authors with no academic background, it is regarded a building process that freely benefits from vernacular architecture, with no specific differentiation between conservational and interpretive neovernacularism. The first means nothing else than the continuity of action of our predecessors, i.e. the maintainance and the use of traditional building techniques and materials, the second assumes the adoption of vernacular architecture to new functions and uses, making it thus neovernacular.

It is the intention of the author to show the origins of the vernacular architecture in Central Europe, including Poland, as deriving from Swiss origin.


Grűnderzeit, Grűnder, historism, eclectism, neostyle, vernacular, neovernacular

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Cited by

Knothe, J. (2018) “Neovernacular architecture – genesis. From Erdmannsdorf to Pension „Maryja””, Budownictwo i Architektura, 16(4), pp. 141–158. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_17_164_09.


Jacek Knothe
Department of Conservation of Built Heritage; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology; Poland


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