Waldemar Wójcik

Lublin Univeristy of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (Poland)

Aliya Kalizhanova
1Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, SR MES RK, 2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan)

Gulzhan Kashaganova

1Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, SR MES RK, 2Kazakh-American University (Kazakhstan)

Ainur Kozbakova

1Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, SR MES RK, 2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan)

Zhalau Aitkulov

1Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, SR MES RK, 2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan)

Zhassulan Orazbekov

1Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, SR MES RK, 2Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Kazakhstan)


At present there exist a lot of technical devices, the failure of which can be connected not only with huge financial losses, but with the treat to the environment as well. Therefore, an important problem is the effective devices conditions diagnostics, including electronic components and check of their operation. Timely faults detecting allows introducing the prevention measures and avoiding serious consequences. Fiber-optic sensors have several advantages, more important of which include the immunity to electromagnetic disturbances, little weight and possibility to be included into the structure being measured. The most perspective are the sensors based on the Bragg fiber gratings. Bragg fiber gratings have several advantages, for instance, they allow creating the distributed measuring massifs, which contain several sensors. As well, they are insensitive to the optic power source vibrations. Variety of using the fiber sensors based on the Bragg fiber gratings has led to producing the Bragg fiber gratings with different spectral characteristics. Homogeneous Bragg fiber gratings have the spectra with solid side lobes, which can influence at the temperature sensor processing characteristics. To level the side lobes there is applied the apodization method, which is one of the means to affect the spectral form. The article herein considers the issues of the Bragg fiber gratings mathematical and computer modeling using the transfer matrix method. Transfer matrix method allows defining the optical components spectral characteristics based on the bound modes theory and description of electromagnetic wave, passing through an optic fiber. In the article there have been analyzed the Bragg fiber gratings in compliance with spectral features, such as transmission and reflectance spectra. As well, there has been carried out the experiment with influence of various parameters at the Bragg fiber gratings spectral characteristics. There have been studied the Bragg fiber gratings spectral features and selected the grating optimal parameters for designing the fiber-optic sensors based on the Bragg fiber gratings.


Bragg gratings, optical sensors, temperature, mathematical model

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Cited by

Wójcik, W., Kalizhanova, A., Kashaganova, G., Kozbakova, A., Aitkulov, Z., & Orazbekov, Z. (2019). RESEARCH OF PARAMETERS OF FIBER-OPTICAL MEASURING SYSTEMS. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 9(2), 28–31.


Waldemar Wójcik 

Lublin Univeristy of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science Poland


Aliya Kalizhanova
1Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, SR MES RK, 2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Kazakhstan


Gulzhan Kashaganova 

1Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, SR MES RK, 2Kazakh-American University Kazakhstan


Ainur Kozbakova 

1Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, SR MES RK, 2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Kazakhstan


Zhalau Aitkulov 

1Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, SR MES RK, 2Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Kazakhstan


Zhassulan Orazbekov 

1Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, SR MES RK, 2Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Kazakhstan


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