Kuanysh Mussilimov
Satbayev University (Kazakhstan)

Akhmet Ibraev

Satbayev University (Kazakhstan)

Waldemar Wójcik

Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (Poland)


Wind power is one of the three main renewable energy sources, along with solar and hydropower, which are widely used to produce electricity worldwide. As an energy resource, wind is widespread and can provide electricity to much of the world, but it is both intermittent and unpredictable, making it difficult to rely on wind power alone. However, when used in combination with other types of production or in combination with energy storage, wind can make a valuable contribution to the global energy balance. Over the past few decades, wind power has emerged in a number of countries as a separate energy sector that has successfully competed with conventional energy. Attention is paid to wind power plants (WT) as part of distribution and transmission networks. In this regard, an urgent scientific and technical task is the efficient use of wind potential, which is not only to improve aerodynamic characteristics WT, but also to increase productivity WT as a whole. This article presents the type of wind turbines, among the possible applications and very promising is the wind turbine Bolotov (WRTB), which by its technical characteristics surpasses the traditional propeller and other installations using wind energy in the production of electrical energy. The increase (WEUF - wind energy utilization factor) in all modes of operation WT by improving various methods of automatic control is relevant, and the proposed work is devoted to this issue.


wind energy, automation of wind turbines, wind farm monitoring

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Cited by

Mussilimov, K., Ibraev, A., & Wójcik, W. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF WIND ENERGY COMPLEX AUTOMATION SYSTEM. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 9(2), 36–40.


Kuanysh Mussilimov
Satbayev University Kazakhstan


Akhmet Ibraev 

Satbayev University Kazakhstan


Waldemar Wójcik 

Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Electronics and Information Technology Poland


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