Designs of seven grade schools built as wooden structures in period 1927–1938 on Lubelszczyzna region
Ewa Miłkowska
e.m.milkowska@gmail.comWydział Agrobioinżynierii i Nauk o Zwierzętach, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo Humanistyczny w Siedlcach (Poland)
In the interwar period, there was a clear hike in the interest in building public institutions in the Lublin region. Major war damage and the lack of a regulated school network in this area prompted the creation of numerous educational institutions. The authorities took special care to create a learning environment for the youngest students. Thus, primary schools of all types were erected, ranging from one-class schools in small communities to large seven-class facilities in towns and cities. Large wooden schools are particularly noteworthy. One hundred of them were built in the are. The design of most of them resembled a manor house. However, there is a group of buildings whose style refers to modernism. Although in the years 1918-1939 it was recommended to build seven-grade schools from bricks, these facilities were designed and built as wooden structures.
Primary schools, inter war period, wooden structure, pattern design of primary schoolsReferences
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Ewa Mił
Wydział Agrobioinżynierii i Nauk o Zwierzętach, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo Humanistyczny w Siedlcach Poland
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