Building compartment surface layer with specific properties of radiation absorption and transmission.

Magdalena Grudzińska

Department of General Construction of Buildings; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)


The thesis deals with building compartment surface layer, consisting of two components: honeycomb transparent insulation and transparent plaster made of glass beads. The layer enables passive solar gains in a building. The aim of the thesis is as follows: (1) Preparation of mathematical model of solar transmission through the surface layer; (2) Setting of basic optical properties of the layer components, necessary for calculating solar gains at the absorber; (3) Choice of optimal properties of the surface components, allowing maximum solar gains in winter and protecting from overheating in summer. The thesis comprises of: introduction, basic equations and definitions necessary in the work, mathematical model of solar transmission through the surface layer, experimental research on basic optical properties of the layer components, choice of optimal properties of the surface components and conclusions.


Building physics, ecological buildings, passive solar systems, transparent insulation

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Cited by

Grudzińska, M. . (2007) “Building compartment surface layer with specific properties of radiation absorption and transmission”., Budownictwo i Architektura, 1(1), pp. 017–044. doi: 10.35784/bud-arch.2299.


Magdalena Grudzińska 

Department of General Construction of Buildings; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland


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