Tomasz Rymarczyk
Netrix S.A., Research and Development Center (Poland)


In this paper, there were investigated topological algorithms to solve the inverse problem in electrical tomography. The level set method, material derivative, shape derivative and topological derivative are based on shape and topology optimization approach to electrical impedance tomography problems with piecewise constant conductivities. The cost of the numerical algorithm is enough good, because the shape is captured on a fixed grid. The proposed solution is initialized by using topological sensitivity analysis. Shape derivative and material derivative (or topological derivative) have been incorporated with level set methods to investigate shape optimization problems.


topological methods, inverse problem, finite element method, electrical impedance tomography

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Cited by

Rymarczyk, T. (2017). TOPOLOGICAL ALGORITHMS TO SOLVE INVERSE PROBLEM IN ELECTRICAL TOMOGRAPHY. Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary W Gospodarce I Ochronie Środowiska, 7(1), 55–58.


Tomasz Rymarczyk
Netrix S.A., Research and Development Center Poland


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