The manor house-park complex in Romanow. The history and current state of preservation
Kamila Lucyna Boguszewska
kamila_boguszewska@interia.euIndependent Architectural Design Studio, The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Poland)
The Romanów complex is home of Kraszewski family. At the moment, the historic mansion works as the Museum of Józef Ignacy Kraszewski. The purpose of this article is to present the history and state of preservation of the residential complex, its transformation with special emphasis on objects of landscape architecture.
To the present day two objects of small architecture exist in this residential complex. There are park chapel founded by Constance Mochorowska and eclectic gate dating from the first half of the nineteenth century.
The article will present state of preservation of this objects and descriptions of park buildings that no longer exist: the neo-gothic greenhouse and lonely hut once constituting as an element of the romantic park.
Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Museum in Romanov, manor-park, classicism, the EU funds, restaurationReferences
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Kamila Lucyna
Independent Architectural Design Studio, The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Poland
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