Customizing residential buildings for people with dysfunction of motion
Olga Skoczylas
o.skoczylas@pollub.plIndependent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
According to the national census conducted in 2002, the number of people with disabilities in Poland is 5456.7 thous., PONAD 14 percent of the population of the country. This means that every seventh citizen is a person with a disability or for such a thought. Polish society, in addition, like other societies in Europe, subject to irreversible phenomenon of an aging population. This is related to a significant increase in people with reduced mobility. Research on ergonomics and the development of techniques and materials in recent years has gone so far that basically revolutionized many areas of life. Is it the same in adapt to the needs of residential buildings to people with reduced mobility? Does such persons may still face impediments in areas where every day they live? In the article the author presents solutions that help adapt to the needs of residential buildings by persons with reduced traffic, especially for wheelchair access and the elderly.
the disabled, the elderly, the availability of the object, ergonomics, architectural barriersReferences
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Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
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