Revitalization as part of policy on sustainable functional-spatial development
Alicja Maciejko
University of Zielona Gora; (Poland)
Hanna Borucińska – Bieńkowska of Zielona Gora; (Poland)
Socio-economic transformation of the past few decades in Poland has initiated a multitude of diverse phenomena, also in functional-spatial development. Processes of redevelopment, modernization, renovation of houses and other structures, and of revitalization of functional areas play a vital role in shaping policies of sustainable development of cities and communes. Restoration of aesthetic and cultural values and historic property, i.e. individual buildings as well as whole complexes and urban and rural planning systems after years of neglect, was given special attention at the beginning of the 1990s. The processes play an important role in bringing back old buildings, structures and urban planning conceptions to their former glory, and are also vital in shaping awareness of self-governmental authorities and local communities in terms of values of tangible heritage, including the 1960s and 1970s. The article discusses issues of the revitalization process as a tool to shape policy of sustainable development of urbanized areas. It should be highlighted that the above-mentioned actions require clear directives about social communication and the extent of shared responsibility for the programme to revitalize self-governments and local communities.
revitalization of functional areas, urban redevelopment, modernization, renovationReferences
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Hanna Borucińska – Bień
University of Zielona Gora; Poland
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