The degradation of historic buildings due to excessive moisture – selected issues
Jerzy Hoła of Civil Engineering; Wroclaw University of Science and Technology; (Poland)
The article presents selected, however, according to the author significant problems concerning the progressive degradation of historic buildings due to excessive moisture. The most important causes and effects of excessive moisture and salinity were highlighted. A decrease in the safety of a structure, a reduction of the thermal insulation of a building’s partitions and the deterioration of the operating conditions in rooms were, among others, indicated as the effects. The conditions of testing moisture using non-destructive methods, indicating those methods that are useful in historic buildings, were described. Moreover, the possibility of using artificial neural networks for a reliable moisture assessment was indicated. Actions that should be taken to prevent the progressive degradation of historic buildings, which is caused by excessive moisture and salinity, were signalled in chronological order.
historic buildings, degradation, excessive moisture, excessive salinity, moisture testing methods, artificial neural networksReferences
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Jerzy Hoł
Faculty of Civil Engineering; Wroclaw University of Science and Technology; Poland
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