Methods of revitalisation of former mining areas as exemplified by architectural objects worldwide and own studies
Michał Dmitruk
m.dmitruk@pollub.plDepartment of Architecture, Urban Planning and Spatial Planning; Lublin University of Technology; (Poland)
Magdalena Stachańska
Independent Researcher; (Poland)
Post-mining grounds and spoil tips frequently render landscapes permanently flawed. As a result of mining activity, considerable stretches of land are often permanently excluded from further use. Due to the extensively transformed landscape, it is necessary to implement revitalisation processes. Relevant design and investment activities, coupled with the cooperation of specialists such as architects, civil engineers, geotechnicians, hydrotechnicians and environmental engineers, along with local authorities, can offer a comprehensive functional programme for areas degraded by mining and provide local residents with an attractive leisure area. This article discusses the current state of knowledge on the revitalisation of former mining areas, with special regard to architectural, environmental, social, and economic aspects. The aim of the study is to review and promote design solutions which permanently restore previously degraded areas to local communities. Various concepts of revitalisation of degraded areas are presented, based on examples of landscape architecture at home and abroad. The selected examples comprise natural regeneration, reclamation, and ecological engineering. These are examples of a holistic and modern approach to the development of tourist and environmentally active areas in post-mining sites and spoil tips. Furthermore, the study presents the authors' proposal concerning the revitalisation of a spoil tip area at LW Bogdanka mine for winter sport purposes and other activities, for which the demand was signalled by their management. The discussed examples can serve as an inspiration for future actions and executive projects, undertaken in accordance with the guidelines of Agenda 2030 and Fit for 55 policies.
revitalisation, landscape architecture, mining, sustainable developmentReferences
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Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Spatial Planning; Lublin University of Technology; Poland
Projektant architektury z dziewięcioletnim stażem pracy. Specjalizacja: Architektura obiektów handlowych, architektura mieszkaniowa, architektura przestrzeni publicznych.
Uprawnienia budowlane do projektowania bez ograniczeń w specjalności architektonicznej.
Nauczyciel akademicki na kierunku Architektura, na Wydziale Budownictwa i Architektury Politechniki Lubelskiej. Specjalność: Ergonomia w projektowaniu architektonicznym, Architektura mieszkaniowa, Architektura przestrzeni publicznych
Doktorant. Temat badań naukowych: Osiedla zabudowy jednorodzinnej Lublinaz okresu PRL
Autor kilkunastu publikacji naukowych dotyczących tematów związanych z architekturą mieszkaniową, sakralną i architekturą przestrzeni publicznych.
Laureat wyróżnienia w konkursie o 'Kryształową Cegłę" za projekt Skweru przy ul.Sowińskiego w Lublinie.
Członek Komisji Rewizyjnej Lubelskiej Okręgowej Izby Architektów.
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