Forgotten shelters of Kłodzko Land. On architecture inspired by the local building tradition
Jacek Suchodolski of Architecture; Wrocław University of Science and Technology; (Poland)
The article addresses the problem of the decline in the number of tourist facilities with outstanding features of regional architecture, built before 1945 in Kłodzko Land. Their destruction is an irreparable loss for the cultural heritage of the described region. Usually designed in the spirit of the local building tradition – born out of centuries of experience of the people living here – hostels, inns and taverns were a characteristic, regional distinguishing feature of the landscape of Kłodzko Land. Meanwhile, the new architecture of objects related to tourism, built after the end of the Second World War, most often does not refer to the characteristic forms and structures of local buildings. The article stresses the need to put an end to the often deliberate practice of destroying old pre-war buildings and to draw the attention of architects working today to the importance of continuing local, regional forms in the emerging tourist facilities.
architecture, shelters, Kłodzko LandReferences
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Faculty of Architecture; Wrocław University of Science and Technology; Poland
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