Methods of conducting classes on town planning design for the students of architecture in the department of building and architecture at Lublin University of Technology
Marzena Joanna Siestrzewitowska
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Current urban problems, which become topics for debate in the local media and which are chosen by students as topics for their term projects, contribute to the awareness of students of the importance and social role of their occupation. They also help to understand social, legal economical and other factors of urban planning. The exhibitions of term projects contribute to bigger involvement of students in project work. The opportunity for students to compare their work with the projects made by experienced architects is a valuable experience. It is possible when students design in the same area where urban competition is announced. A suitable choice of the elements of the project (such as drawings etc.) included in the project should focus on the emphasis on the most important contemporary ideas and rules of space creation. One of the tasks of the subject is to prepare students to work in a team in the future. It is very difficult to acquire a fair, individual evaluation of particular members of project teams. The evaluation evolves on the basis of questionnaires carried out systematically among the students at the end of the term.
town planning design, methods, current urban problems, exhibition of student projects, teamworkReferences
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Marzena Joanna SiestrzewitowskaFaculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Urban and Spatial Planning, Lublin University of Technology Poland
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