The influence of places of worship on the formation and integration of public spaces in the city

Joanna Gil-Mastalerczyk
Department of Architecture and Town Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kielce University of Technology; (Poland)


The aim of article is to present linkages and influence of places of worship (for example religious groups from the Diocese of Kielce – Kielce – city) – as a common cultural heritage, on the formation, integration, development of areas of public spaces in the city. Places of worship, as seen through the centuries witnessed the historic inter-territorial and events often become stimulants for subsequent processes taking place in the urban tissue. Intense urbanization processes, following over the last few years, forcing the necessary transformations of existing structures and involving the modernization, revitalization. Processes should not, however, constitute a threat to the proper functioning of the city, preserving the identity of places of worship, surrounding structures and the spatial and aesthetic values. Should not lead to the abandonment of care for the protection of historic structures educated near the „sacrum” and care for these areas, which constitute a valuable cultural heritage. The complex functional structure of urban, educated around the „sacrum” and the associated attractive public domain, assisting the processes of change and can become a catalyst for the revitalization of the neighboring areas. Integrated into architectural forms that urban legibility assumptions sacred integrate spatial structure of the city. They provide clarity in the collapsing structure of urban space. Foster the creation of a synergy between the two compounds, the formation of harmonious relations of urban space. Promote a new space, being a sign of the place and even cities. They create an image of public spaces, acting attractive and open to different activities functional structures.


architecture, sacrum, integration, space of city, town

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Cited by

Gil-Mastalerczyk, J. . (2017) “The influence of places of worship on the formation and integration of public spaces in the city”, Budownictwo i Architektura, 16(2), pp. 031–038. doi: 10.24358/Bud-Arch_17-162_02.


Joanna Gil-Mastalerczyk
Department of Architecture and Town Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kielce University of Technology; Poland


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