The mathematical model of energy balance for windows in residential buildings
Joanna Borowska
Department of Basic Building Construction and Building Physics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology; (Poland)
Walery Jezierski of Basic Building Construction and Building Physics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology; (Poland)
The paper presents a developed mathematical model, made by the authors, which is used to calculate the energy balance of windows in residential buildings. There is presented an algorithm for calculating the components of loss and heat gain of the energy balance of the window, as well as the course of action while choosing variable parameters, which are the part of mathematical model and also are suitable to make the optimisation of windows, like: the window surface, heat-transfer coefficients U for the glass and the window frame, the permeability factor g and others. There is also suggested the programme of a calculation experiment.
the energy balance, window joinery, a mathematical modelReferences
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Joanna BorowskaDepartment of Basic Building Construction and Building Physics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland
Department of Basic Building Construction and Building Physics; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Bialystok University of Technology; Poland
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