Vertical gardens as an eye-catching element of greenery in urban landscape
Magdalena Patro
Department of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy; Faculty of Production Engineering; University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland)
Agnieszka Koper
koper-agnieszka@o2.plDepartment of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy; Faculty of Production Engineering; University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland)
Greenery is an integral and an indispensable component of the urban space. The greater the degree of development of the site is, the greater the demand for greenery is. In the case of lack of using of biologically active surface to introduce vegetation or willingness to build-up (hide) little aesthetic vertical elements of the urban landscape, vertical gardens can be used. They were conceived by Patrick Blanc in the 80s of XX century. The possibility of the introduction of large gardens without taking horizontal surfaces suggests endless possibilities of close contact with nature in the centres of large cities, densely populated areas and even inside buildings. The paper shows the consequences of the development of housing and urban infrastructure at the expense of green areas and indicates vertical gardens as an alternative to shrinking green spaces. The characteristics of vertical gardens, their impact on the urban landscape and the technical solutions of these assumptions were shown. The main aim of this paper is to present the concept of a vertical garden in the city of Lublin, using a system with felt pockets, for the purpose of improving the aesthetic of the space and well-being of inhabitants.
green areas, vertical gardens, urban landscapeReferences
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Magdalena PatroDepartment of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy; Faculty of Production Engineering; University of Life Sciences in Lublin Poland
Department of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy; Faculty of Production Engineering; University of Life Sciences in Lublin Poland
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