The ideal village – spatial arrangement and building of Paproć Duża

Małgorzata Dolistowska
Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Białostocka (Poland)


The article presents the circumstances of the creation and history of the village of Paproć Duża founded at the end of the 18th century under the name Königshuld as part of a settlement action covering the non-colonized areas of East Prussia. Among other places that were located at the time, it is distinguished by its original spatial development, based on a concentric-radial scheme. An analysis of the central spatial assumption was made in the context of the few analogical villages, founded in Poland in the second half of the 18th century as part of the Frederician colonization.


central arrangements, NeuOstpreussen, Frederician colonization, Paproć Duża, Königshuld

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Cited by

Dolistowska, M. (2020). The ideal village – spatial arrangement and building of Paproć Duża. Teka Komisji Architektury, Urbanistyki I Studiów Krajobrazowych, 16(4), 86–99.


Małgorzata Dolistowska
Wydział Architektury, Politechnika Białostocka Poland


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