Protection and preservation of ruins - changes in the methods used in the Mazovian region

Jakub Lewicki

Department of Art History, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (Poland)


The article presents the problem of preservation of the ruins of castles in Mazovia, discussing their fate and state of affairs and presenting the methods of protection used in the 20th century. Several groups can be distinguished among Mazovian castles. These are buildings in ruins (Ilza, Czersk, Brok), partially rebuilt (Liw, Ciechanowiec) and those that were reconstructed in a modified form and adapted to new functions (Gostynin, Pultusk and Szydlowiec).
Various preservation and conservation methods were used in the castles discussed. Most of the work done deviates from the rules of the English school for the preservation of ruins. The application of the pure principles of the English school for the preservation of ruins was sporadical (Ilza, partly Czersk, Brok). It was the result of working out own, local solutions, not to follow English examples. More often, partial reconstruction of damaged castles was used (Liw), reconstruction with contemporary elements (Ciechanow, Pultusk) or completely unrestricted reconstruction (Gostynin), which resulted in the loss of the authenticity of castles or their ruins. A clear tendency observed in Mazovia was and are the unrestricted reconstruction of castles, which contributes to the loss of the authenticity of these monuments. However, the biggest drawback of the works are visible additions to the castle walls with new bricks of a different color and texture (eg the walls of the castle in Czersk).


Castles, reconstruction, ruins, the English school for the ruins’ preservation, Ilza, Czersk, Gostynin, Liw, Brok, Pultusk, Szydlowiec

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Cited by

Lewicki, J. (2018). Protection and preservation of ruins - changes in the methods used in the Mazovian region. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (6), 117–134.


Jakub Lewicki 

Department of Art History, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw Poland

historyk architektury i konserwator zabytków, prof. nauk technicznych, dr hab. w dziedzinie architektury i urbanistyki o specjalizacji historia architektury i konserwacja zabytków, kierownik Zakładu Konserwacji Zabytków i Ochrony Krajobrazu UKSW, wykłada historię architektury i konserwację zabytków. Autor ponad 150 publikacji z zakresu konserwacji zabytków i historii architektury oraz licznych niepublikowanych prac będących efektem badań terenowych. Od marca 2017 roku Mazowiecki wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków


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