History, status quo and planned development of the hotel centre „Pastewnik” in Przeworsk
Marta A. Urbańska
Institute of History of Architecture and Preservation of Monuments; Cracow University of Technology (Poland)
The article regards the first initiative of its kind in Poland – i.e. the “Pastewnik” complex in Przeworsk in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship - its history, original plans, status quo, ideas of revitalisation. The complex was founded and partly completed by its spiritus movens, the then county architect Stanisław Żuk, in 1976. The enterprise, called “Przeworski Zamysł” (Przeworsk Concept) contains vernacular wooden structures from Przeworsk, itself a historic town which was located by the King Władysław Jagiełło, and from its vicinity (Gacie, Krzeczowice). The complex is situated at the former farm of the entail of Princes Lubomirski, near the princely residence itself. The transferred vernacular structures are an integral part of the camping facility. Archival descriptions by the architect testify to gigantic difficulties during the completion of the “skansen”, both in the times of the Polish People’s Republic and shortly after 1989. Nevertheless, the extant vernacular wooden structures underwent conservation and conversion (becoming hotel rooms and a renowned inn). Due to the deterioration of relics of wooden architecture in Przeworsk, the town authorities (represented by the then Vice-Mayor, Leszek Kisiel), started the cooperation with the Institute of History of Architecture and Preservation of Monuments, Cracow University of Technology. Its aims were surveys and measurements of the historic structures and studies of development of “Pastewnik”, elaborated by several teams of students within the framework of their summer internships, led by the authoress of this article. Concepts of revitalisation, additions and studies of site plan shall hopefully be implemented. The question of the future of the unusual complex is open – due, on one hand, to its exploitation and substandard of the camping, and on the other on the fact that the newly elected Mayor, dr Kisiel, has ambitious plans.
„Pastewnik”, Przeworsk, history, status quo, concepts, revitalizationReferences
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Marta A. UrbańskaInstitute of History of Architecture and Preservation of Monuments; Cracow University of Technology Poland
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