Sulphate resistance of air entrained mortars with admixture of fly ashes
Monika Jaworska
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kielce University of Technology (Poland)
The effects of entrained air on sulphate resistance of fly ash blended cements mortars long term immersed in Na2SO4 solution were investigated. The expansion strains and decrease in strength of air entrained mortars were faster than those of non-air entrained ones. It was found with SEM and XRD analyses that ettringite and gypsum were the main sulfate attack products. The SEM studies of mortars microstructure showed that the highest amount of ettringite observed occurred in air voids partially filled with this phase. The sulphate resistance of AE and nAE mortars containing high or low calcium fly ash blended cements was significantly higher compared to plain OPC mortar.
sulphate attack, air voids, air entrainment, mortars, fly ashesReferences
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Monika JaworskaDepartment of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Kielce University of Technology Poland
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