Authenticity versus sharing. Boundaries of compromises in the preservation of the former Auschwitz-Birkenau camp

Anna Łopuska

Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum (Poland)


Preserving the Auschwitz-Birkenau site enables us to protect the memory that is retained in the historical objects. The meaning of the remnants of Auschwitz lies in their authenticity, which embodies, most of all, documentary and emotional values. These values, combined with the authentic character of the form, space and substance of the relics, evokes the need of special protection. Therefore, preservation of this unique site requires specific principles, suitable methodology, sensitivity, and primarily – the highest standards of ethics.
Since Auschwitz-Birkenau is not only a document of history, but also a museum, a memorial and, above all, a cemetery, it induces immense need for accessibility. Visitors coming from all over the world for family, historical and educational purposes search for the truth represented by the original objects and wish to witness the authenticity in order to understand the unimaginable events.
How do we compromise between the authenticity and accessibility of the site? The preservation team at Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial deals with this dilemma on a daily basis, balancing different arguments and making difficult decisions. The results of their efforts may be illustrated with case studies including the preservation of two blocks in former Auschwitz I; conservation works performed together with adaptation of block 27 for the purpose of the Shoah exhibition, and last but not least, unprecedented works on the brick barracks of former Auschwitz II-Birkenau.


preservation, values, authenticity, accessibility, compromise

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Cited by

Łopuska, A. (2017). Authenticity versus sharing. Boundaries of compromises in the preservation of the former Auschwitz-Birkenau camp. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (3), 95–106.


Anna Łopuska 

Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum Poland

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