Cobau Andreina Costanzi

Centro di Conservazione Archeologica di Roma (Italy)


The need to show to the public issues related to conservation of cultural properties first became clear in the eighties during the great projects conducted in the Roman forum. Three major conservation innovations were introduced at that time: documentation became part of the contract specifications; consolidation was performed using slaked lime; the worksite scaffolding was opened to non-specialists. The way in which the documentation is realized is an indicator of the quality and professionalism of a program. This should incorporate a communication plan, to promote and raise awareness among the public about the instances related to the conservation of cultural heritage. This article addresses the communication principles applied to conservation interventions.


Conservation, communication, documentation, aperto per restauro, open for restoration

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Cited by

Costanzi , C. A. (2019). „OPEN FOR CONSERVATION”: LIVE EXPERIENCES. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (8), 79–88. https://doi.org/10.35784/odk.904


Cobau Andreina Costanzi  

Centro di Conservazione Archeologica di Roma Italy


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