Memorial Plaque of Polish Senators
History of commemorate plaque 150 polish senators-victims of the Second World War. The commemorate plaque was unveiled in Senate in 1999. Some Senators don’t have a graves. The commemorate plaques, it’s the one place where we can find name and surname of Senators, which are carved into the stone. People who worked in the Chancellery of the Senate after 1989 tried to get some information about Polish Senators and their life during the wartime. We have interesting documents with biographical info. There are valuable things because the Archive of the Senate doesn’t include materials of the polish Senate (1922-1939). Thanks to senators families we have valuable documents, photos etc. The "virtual memorial plaque" was launched on polish senate’s webside in 2009. The "virtual memorial plaque" complements the "real" memorial plaque. The documents we have are very helpful for publications about history of Senate. The Chancellery of the Senate creates also an exhibitions about polish parliamentarianism.
senate, senator, parliament, memorial plaqueReferences
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Jarosław Maciej ZawadzkiThe Polish Senate, Warsaw Poland
(ur. 1965) historyk sztuki, od 1996 r. pracuje w Kancelarii Senatu, współzałożyciel Warszawskiego Towarzystwa Genealogicznego (1993), członek Stowarzyszenia Historyków Sztuki.
Głównym kierunkiem badawczym jest biografistyka, szczególnie senatorów II RP. Autor scenariuszy dużych wystaw dotyczących dziejów Senatu w Polsce. Regionalista badający Mazowsze płońskie, autor przewodników, albumów i opracowań tematycznych.
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