Transformation of city space and housing estates associated with changes in lifestyle of inhabitants
Olga Skoczylas
o.skoczylas@pollub.plIndependent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
The article presents difficulties of the city and its inhabitants related to changes of lifestyle. It also provides examples of solutions for these problems. Grass roots, spontaneous solutions as well as planned ones, foreign and from the Polish „backyard” were shown. Article presents also the problem of urban sprawling and encourages to prevent or to reduce this phenomenon through a comprehensive thoughtful transformation of existing prefabricated housing estates built during 70’s and 80’s. Limited area of neighborhood spaces between 30 meters height buildings makes social activity, providing services and taking a rest difficult for the inhabitants. It is even more important due to the fact that the parking places involve significant consumption of estates’ space. These areas are an inseparable element of Polish urban landscapes and there is no perspective for a change. Underestimation of this issue and the fact that urban planners, architects and scientists tend to ignore it can begin the process of social division which is very difficult to stop. It also has a negative impact causing decline in real estate values in the cities. On the basis of the analysis, social and architectural research proposals were given.
prefabricated housing estates, transformation of settlements, revitalization, neighborhood spaces, car parksReferences
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Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
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