Management of monuments of history

Piotr Molski
Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej (Poland)


The system of protection of historical monuments in Poland, including Monuments of History, is not fully adapted to the political changes after 1989. An underestimated, important element of this system determining effective protection is professional architectural heritage management combining conservation with contemporary use of historical buildings. Interdependencies between conservation and non-conservation conditions force us to perceive the protection of monuments as a complex and interdisciplinary process – mutually correlated interactions on the historic object, in which conservation measures are the key, but not the only, activity. The organizational entirety of these activities is management. Monuments of History as the most valuable heritage should be a model of management of the national, historical resources. Fifteen years of experience of the Srebrna Góra (Silver Mountain) Fortress monument allow us to bring closer the objectives and complex conditions of related management activities as well as applications addressed to national authorities responsible for the protection of cultural heritage.


management, monuments of history, Srebrna Góra

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Cited by

Molski, P. (2019). Management of monuments of history. Protection of Cultural Heritage, (7), 123–133.


Piotr Molski
Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej Poland


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