Methods of analysis of a reinforced concrete section under bending with axial force in the post-yield range
Jacek Korentz
Institute of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Zielona Góra (Poland)
Predicting the behaviour of plastic hinges subjected to large inelastic deformations caused by extreme loads such as earthquakes plays an important role in assessing maximum stable deformation capacities of framed concrete structures. This paper presents the analytical procedure for analysing the behaviour of a reinforced concrete section under bending with axial force in the post-yield range. The following stages of section behaviour are defined: the uncracked, first cracked, yielding, cover crushing, cover spalling, buckling of bars and limit stages. The relationship between the moment and curvature in these stages, including the effects of concrete confinement, the spalling of the concrete cover, and the inelastic buckling of the reinforcing bars, is considered. The presented method makes it possible to estimate the ductility of reinforced concrete members with various longitudinal and transverse reinforcement.
RC section, column, bending with axial force, ductility, curvature, post-yield rangeReferences
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Jacek KorentzInstitute of Structural Engineering; Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; University of Zielona Góra Poland
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