Buildings constructed in the system OWT- 67 in urban layout of residential settlement "Maki" in Lublin
Renata Janusz
Independent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
Krzysztof Janus
Departement of Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology (Poland)
“Maki” residential settlement was established in the mid-70s, in the quarter of construction it was limited by Droga Męczennikow majdanka, Krańcowa, Lotnicza and Gluska Streets, as the subsequent stage of development of minicipal housing stock. A crucial issue concerned the location of a new building in a previous urbanized area – the so called Kosminek. As a result, a mixed system was created, where simple, tall and parallely situated to each other 5-story multifamily buildings and an 11-storey point tower of an evident modernistic form and the way of their location are accomposed by a simple-family housing placed along the streets. The urban and funtional conditions in 5-storey buildings constructed in OWT-67 system were presented. The urban changes of settlement over nearly 40 years (parking sevice, greenery) were discussed.
The analysis of the needs and possibilities in terms of next steps which can improve the living quality of residents in aspect of restrictions consequent upon ownership, economic and construction determinants was complited. Justified steps refer to the continuation of building termomodernization. The improvement of space quality between building is the highest priority. Not to mention, further exchange of paved surface, the enhancement of greenery quality concerning the needs of divers age groups of residents in the arrangement of problem indicating the necessity to build underground garages.
OWT-67, concrete slab, Maki District, Kośminek District, Kolejarz HousingReferences
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Renata JanuszIndependent Architectural Design Studio; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
Krzysztof JanusDepartement of Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning; Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture; Lublin University of Technology Poland
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